Miscellaneous Salt Cloud Options

This page describes various miscellaneous options available in Salt Cloud

Deploy Script Arguments

Custom deploy scripts are unlikely to need custom arguments to be passed to them, but salt-bootstrap has been extended quite a bit, and this may be necessary. script_args can be specified in either the profile or the map file, to pass arguments to the deploy script:

    provider: ec2
    image: ami-1624987f
    size: Micro Instance
    ssh_username: ec2-user
    script: bootstrap-salt
    script_args: -c /tmp/

This has also been tested to work with pipes, if needed:

script_args: | head

Sync After Install

Salt allows users to create custom modules, grains and states which can be synchronised to minions to extend Salt with further functionality.

This option will inform Salt Cloud to synchronise your custom modules, grains, states or all these to the minion just after it has been created. For this to happen, the following line needs to be added to the main cloud configuration file:

sync_after_install: all

The available options for this setting are:


Setting up New Salt Masters

It has become increasingly common for users to set up multi-hierarchal infrastructures using Salt Cloud. This sometimes involves setting up an instance to be a master in addition to a minion. With that in mind, you can now lay down master configuration on a machine by specifying master options in the profile or map file.

make_master: True

This will cause Salt Cloud to generate master keys for the instance, and tell salt-bootstrap to install the salt-master package, in addition to the salt-minion package.

The default master configuration is usually appropriate for most users, and will not be changed unless specific master configuration has been added to the profile or map:

    user: root

Delete SSH Keys

When Salt Cloud deploys an instance, the SSH pub key for the instance is added to the known_hosts file for the user that ran the salt-cloud command. When an instance is deployed, a cloud provider generally recycles the IP address for the instance. When Salt Cloud attempts to deploy an instance using a recycled IP address that has previously been accessed from the same machine, the old key in the known_hosts file will cause a conflict.

In order to mitigate this issue, Salt Cloud can be configured to remove old keys from the known_hosts file when destroying the node. In order to do this, the following line needs to be added to the main cloud configuration file:

delete_sshkeys: True

Keeping /tmp/ Files

When Salt Cloud deploys an instance, it uploads temporary files to /tmp/ for salt-bootstrap to put in place. After the script has run, they are deleted. To keep these files around (mostly for debugging purposes), the --keep-tmp option can be added:

salt-cloud -p myprofile mymachine --keep-tmp

For those wondering why /tmp/ was used instead of /root/, this had to be done for images which require the use of sudo, and therefore do not allow remote root logins, even for file transfers (which makes /root/ unavailable).

Hide Output From Minion Install

By default Salt Cloud will stream the output from the minion deploy script directly to STDOUT. Although this can been very useful, in certain cases you may wish to switch this off. The following config option is there to enable or disable this output:

display_ssh_output: False

Connection Timeout

There are several stages when deploying Salt where Salt Cloud needs to wait for something to happen. The VM getting it's IP address, the VM's SSH port is available, etc.

If you find that the Salt Cloud defaults are not enough and your deployment fails because Salt Cloud did not wait log enough, there are some settings you can tweak.


All values should be provided in seconds

You can tweak these settings globally, per cloud provider, or event per profile definition.


The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait for a VM to start and get an IP back from the cloud provider. Default: 5 minutes.


The amount of time Salt Cloud should sleep while querying for the VM's IP. Default: 5 seconds.


The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait for a successful SSH connection to the VM. Default: 5 minutes.


The amount of time until an ssh connection can be established via password or ssh key. Default 15 seconds.


The number of attempts to connect to the VM until we abandon. Default 15 attempts


Some cloud drivers check for an available IP or a successful SSH connection using a function, namely, SoftLayer and SoftLayer-HW. So, the amount of time Salt Cloud should retry such functions before failing. Default: 5 minutes.


The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait before an EC2 Spot instance is available. This setting is only available for the EC2 cloud driver.

Salt Cloud Cache

Salt Cloud can maintain a cache of node data, for supported providers. The following options manage this functionality.


On supported cloud providers, whether or not to maintain a cache of nodes returned from a --full-query. The data will be stored in json format under <SALT_CACHEDIR>/cloud/active/<DRIVER>/<PROVIDER>/<NODE_NAME>.json. This setting can be True or False.


When the cloud cachedir is being managed, if differences are encountered between the data that is returned live from the cloud provider and the data in the cache, fire events which describe the changes. This setting can be True or False.

Some of these events will contain data which describe a node. Because some of the fields returned may contain sensitive data, the cache_event_strip_fields configuration option exists to strip those fields from the event return.

  - password
  - priv_key

The following are events that can be fired based on this data.


A new node was found on the cloud provider which was not listed in the cloud cachedir. A dict describing the new node will be contained in the event.


A node that was previously listed in the cloud cachedir is no longer available on the cloud provider.


One or more pieces of data in the cloud cachedir has changed on the cloud provider. A dict containing both the old and the new data will be contained in the event.

SSH Known Hosts

Normally when bootstrapping a VM, salt-cloud will ignore the SSH host key. This is because it does not know what the host key is before starting (because it doesn't exist yet). If strict host key checking is turned on without the key in the known_hosts file, then the host will never be available, and cannot be bootstrapped.

If a provider is able to determine the host key before trying to bootstrap it, that provider's driver can add it to the known_hosts file, and then turn on strict host key checking. This can be set up in the main cloud configuration file (normally /etc/salt/cloud) or in the provider-specific configuration file:

known_hosts_file: /path/to/.ssh/known_hosts

If this is not set, it will default to /dev/null, and strict host key checking will be turned off.

It is highly recommended that this option is not set, unless the user has verified that the provider supports this functionality, and that the image being used is capable of providing the necessary information. At this time, only the EC2 driver supports this functionality.

File Map Upload

New in version 2014.7.0.

The file_map option allows an arbitrary group of files to be uploaded to the target system before running the deploy script. This functionality requires a provider uses salt.utils.cloud.bootstrap(), which is currently limited to the ec2, gce, openstack and nova drivers.

The file_map can be configured globally in /etc/salt/cloud, or in any cloud provider or profile file. For example, to upload an extra package or a custom deploy script, a cloud profile using file_map might look like:

  provider: ec2-config
  image: ami-98aa1cf0
  size: t1.micro
  ssh_username: root
  securitygroup: default
    /local/path/to/custom/script: /remote/path/to/use/custom/script
    /local/path/to/package: /remote/path/to/store/package