Salt Master Events

These events are fired on the Salt Master event bus. This list is not comprehensive.

Authentication events


Fired when a minion performs an authentication check with the master.

  • id -- The minion ID.
  • act -- The current status of the minion key: accept, pend, reject.
  • pub -- The minion public key.

Start events


Fired every time a minion connects to the Salt master.

Variables:id -- The minion ID.

Key events


Fired when accepting and rejecting minions keys on the Salt master.

  • id -- The minion ID.
  • act -- The new status of the minion key: accept, pend, reject.

Job events


Fired as a new job is sent out to minions.

  • jid -- The job ID.
  • tgt -- The target of the job: *, a minion ID, G@os_family:RedHat, etc.
  • tgt_type -- The type of targeting used: glob, grain, compound, etc.
  • fun -- The function to run on minions:, network.interfaces, etc.
  • arg -- A list of arguments to pass to the function that will be called.
  • minions -- A list of minion IDs that Salt expects will return data for this job.
  • user -- The name of the user that ran the command as defined in Salt's Client ACL or external auth.

Fired each time a minion returns data for a job.

  • id -- The minion ID.
  • jid -- The job ID.
  • retcode -- The return code for the job.
  • fun -- The function the minion ran. E.g.,
  • return -- The data returned from the execution module.

Presence events


Events fired on a regular interval about currently connected, newly connected, or recently disconnected minions. Requires the presence_events setting to be enabled.

Variables:present -- A list of minions that are currently connected to the Salt master.

Fired when the Presence system detects new minions connect or disconnect.

  • new -- A list of minions that have connected since the last presence event.
  • lost -- A list of minions that have disconnected since the last presence event.

Cloud Events

Unlike other Master events, salt-cloud events are not fired on behalf of a Salt Minion. Instead, salt-cloud events are fired on behalf of a VM. This is because the minion-to-be may not yet exist to fire events to or also may have been destroyed.

This behavior is reflected by the name variable in the event data for salt-cloud events as compared to the id variable for Salt Minion-triggered events.

salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/creating

Fired when salt-cloud starts the VM creation process.

  • name -- the name of the VM being created.
  • event -- description of the event.
  • provider -- the cloud provider of the VM being created.
  • profile -- the cloud profile for the VM being created.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/deploying

Fired when the VM is available and salt-cloud begins deploying Salt to the new VM.

  • name -- the name of the VM being created.
  • event -- description of the event.
  • kwargs -- options available as the deploy script is invoked: conf_file, deploy_command, display_ssh_output, host, keep_tmp, key_filename, make_minion, minion_conf, name, parallel, preseed_minion_keys, script, script_args, script_env, sock_dir, start_action, sudo, tmp_dir, tty, username
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/requesting

Fired when salt-cloud sends the request to create a new VM.

  • event -- description of the event.
  • location -- the location of the VM being requested.
  • kwargs -- options available as the VM is being requested: Action, ImageId, InstanceType, KeyName, MaxCount, MinCount, SecurityGroup.1
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/querying

Fired when salt-cloud queries data for a new instance.

  • event -- description of the event.
  • instance_id -- the ID of the new VM.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/tagging

Fired when salt-cloud tags a new instance.

  • event -- description of the event.
  • tags -- tags being set on the new instance.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/waiting_for_ssh

Fired while the salt-cloud deploy process is waiting for ssh to become available on the new instance.

  • event -- description of the event.
  • ip_address -- IP address of the new instance.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/deploy_script

Fired once the deploy script is finished.

Variables:event -- description of the event.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/created

Fired once the new instance has been fully created.

  • name -- the name of the VM being created.
  • event -- description of the event.
  • instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.
  • provider -- the cloud provider of the VM being created.
  • profile -- the cloud profile for the VM being created.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/destroying

Fired when salt-cloud requests the destruction of an instance.

  • name -- the name of the VM being created.
  • event -- description of the event.
  • instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.
salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/destroyed

Fired when an instance has been destroyed.

  • name -- the name of the VM being created.
  • event -- description of the event.
  • instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.