Using Salt with Stormpath

Stormpath is a user management and authentication service. This tutorial covers using SaltStack to manage and take advantage of Stormpath's features.

External Authentication

Stormpath can be used for Salt's external authentication system. In order to do this, the master should be configured with an apiid, apikey, and the ID of the application that is associated with the users to be authenticated:

  apiid: 367DFSF4FRJ8767FSF4G34FGH
  apikey: FEFREF43t3FEFRe/f323fwer4FWF3445gferWRWEer1
  application: 786786FREFrefreg435fr1


These values can be found in the Stormpath dashboard <>`_.

Users that are to be authenticated should be set up under the stormpath dict under external_auth:

      - .*
      - '@runner'
      - '@wheel'

Keep in mind that while Stormpath defaults the username associated with the account to the email address, it is better to use a username without an @ sign in it.

Configuring Stormpath Modules

Stormpath accounts can be managed via either an execution or state module. In order to use either, a minion must be configured with an API ID and key.

  apiid: 367DFSF4FRJ8767FSF4G34FGH
  apikey: FEFREF43t3FEFRe/f323fwer4FWF3445gferWRWEer1
  directory: efreg435fr1786786FREFr
  application: 786786FREFrefreg435fr1

Some functions in the stormpath modules can make use of other options. The following options are also available.


The ID of the directory that is to be used with this minion. Many functions require an ID to be specified to do their work. However, if the ID of a directory is specified, then Salt can often look up the resource in question.


The ID of the application that is to be used with this minion. Many functions require an ID to be specified to do their work. However, if the ID of a application is specified, then Salt can often look up the resource in question.

Managing Stormpath Accounts

With the stormpath configuration in place, Salt can be used to configure accounts (which may be thought of as users) on the Stormpath service. The following functions are available.


Create an account on the Stormpath service. This requires a directory_id as the first argument; it will not be retrieved from the minion configuration. An email address, password, first name (givenName) and last name (surname) are also required. For the full list of other parameters that may be specified, see:

When executed with no errors, this function will return the information about the account, from Stormpath.

salt myminion stormpath.create_account <directory_id> letmein Shemp Howard


Show all accounts on the Stormpath service. This will return all accounts, regardless of directory, application, or group.

salt myminion stormpath.list_accounts


Show the details for a specific Stormpath account. An account_id is normally required. However, if am email is provided instead, along with either a directory_id, application_id, or group_id, then Salt will search the specified resource to try and locate the account_id.

salt myminion stormpath.show_account <account_id>
salt myminion stormpath.show_account email=<email> directory_id=<directory_id>


Update one or more items for this account. Specifying an empty value will clear it for that account. This function may be used in one of two ways. In order to update only one key/value pair, specify them in order:

salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> givenName shemp
salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> middleName ''

In order to specify multiple items, they need to be passed in as a dict. From the command line, it is best to do this as a JSON string:

salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> items='{"givenName": "Shemp"}
salt myminion stormpath.update_account <account_id> items='{"middlename": ""}

When executed with no errors, this function will return the information about the account, from Stormpath.


Delete an account from Stormpath.

salt myminion stormpath.delete_account <account_id>


Show all directories associated with this tenant.

salt myminion stormpath.list_directories

Using Stormpath States

Stormpath resources may be managed using the state system. The following states are available.


Ensure that an account exists on the Stormpath service. All options that are available with the stormpath.create_account function are available here. If an account needs to be created, then this function will require the same fields that stormpath.create_account requires, including the password. However, if a password changes for an existing account, it will NOT be updated by this state.
    - directory_id: efreg435fr1786786FREFr
    - password: badpass
    - firstName: Curly
    - surname: Howard
    - nickname: curly

It is advisable to always set a nickname that is not also an email address, so that it can be used by Salt's external authentication module.


Ensure that an account does not exist on Stormpath. As with stormpath_account.present, the name supplied to this state is the email address associated with this account. Salt will use this, with or without the directory ID that is configured for the minion. However, lookups will be much faster with a directory ID specified.