New in version 2015.8.3.

Proxy Minion Beacon

The salt proxy beacon is meant to facilitate configuring multiple proxies on one or many minions. This should simplify configuring and managing multiple salt-proxy processes.

  1. On your salt-master, ensure that pillar is configured properly. Select an ID for your proxy (in this example we will name the proxy 'p8000'). In your pillar topfile, place an entry for your proxy:

    - p8000

This says that Salt's pillar should load some values for the proxy p8000 from the file /srv/pillar/p8000.sls (if you have not changed your default pillar_roots)

  1. In the pillar root for your base environment, create this file:


  # set proxytype for your proxymodule
  proxytype: ssh_sample
  host: saltyVM
  username: salt
  password: badpass

This should complete the proxy setup for p8000

  1. Configure the salt_proxy beacon

    - proxies:
        p8000: {}
        p8001: {}

Once this beacon is configured it will automatically start the salt-proxy process. If the salt-proxy process is terminated the beacon will re-start it.

  1. Accept your proxy's key on your salt-master

salt-key -y -a p8000
The following keys are going to be accepted:
Unaccepted Keys:
Key for minion p8000 accepted.
  1. Now you should be able to run commands on your proxy.

salt p8000 pkg.list_pkgs