
Management of Docker Containers

New in version 2015.8.0.

Changed in version 2017.7.0: This module has replaced the legacy docker execution module.


docker Python module


Older releases of the Python bindings for Docker were called docker-py in PyPI. All releases of docker, and releases of docker-py >= 1.6.0 are supported. These python bindings can easily be installed using pip.install:

salt myminion pip.install docker

To upgrade from docker-py to docker, you must first uninstall docker-py, and then install docker:

salt myminion pip.uninstall docker-py
salt myminion pip.install docker


If you have previously performed a docker login from the minion, then the credentials saved in ~/.docker/config.json will be used for any actions which require authentication. If not, then credentials can be configured in any of the following locations:

  • Minion config file

  • Grains

  • Pillar data

  • Master config file (requires pillar_opts to be set to True in Minion config file in order to work)


Versions prior to 3000 require that Docker credentials are configured in Pillar data. Be advised that Pillar data is still recommended though, because this keeps the configuration from being stored on the Minion.

Also, keep in mind that if one gets your ~/.docker/config.json, the password can be decoded from its contents.

The configuration schema is as follows:

    username: <username>
    password: <password>

For example:

    username: foo
    password: s3cr3t


As of the 2016.3.7, 2016.11.4, and 2017.7.0 releases of Salt, credentials for the Docker Hub can be configured simply by specifying hub in place of the registry URL. In earlier releases, it is necessary to specify the actual registry URL for the Docker Hub (i.e.

More than one registry can be configured. Salt will look for Docker credentials in the docker-registries Pillar key, as well as any key ending in -docker-registries. For example:

    username: foo
    password: s3cr3t

    username: foo
    password: s3cr3t

    username: foo
    password: s3cr3t

To login to the configured registries, use the docker.login function. This only needs to be done once for a given registry, and it will store/update the credentials in ~/.docker/config.json.


For Salt releases before 2016.3.7 and 2016.11.4, docker.login is not available. Instead, Salt will try to authenticate using each of your configured registries for each push/pull, behavior which is not correct and has been resolved in newer releases.

Configuration Options

The following configuration options can be set to fine-tune how Salt uses Docker:

  • docker.url: URL to the docker service (default: local socket).

  • docker.version: API version to use (should not need to be set manually in the vast majority of cases)

  • docker.exec_driver: Execution driver to use, one of nsenter, lxc-attach, or docker-exec. See the Executing Commands Within a Running Container section for more details on how this config parameter is used.

These configuration options are retrieved using config.get (click the link for further information).

Executing Commands Within a Running Container


With the release of Docker 1.13.1, the Execution Driver has been removed. Starting in versions 2016.3.6, 2016.11.4, and 2017.7.0, Salt defaults to using docker exec to run commands in containers, however for older Salt releases it will be necessary to set the docker.exec_driver config option to either docker-exec or nsenter for Docker versions 1.13.1 and newer.

Multiple methods exist for executing commands within Docker containers:

  • lxc-attach: Default for older versions of docker

  • nsenter: Enters container namespace to run command

  • docker-exec: Native support for executing commands in Docker containers (added in Docker 1.3)

Adding a configuration option (see config.get) called docker.exec_driver will tell Salt which execution driver to use:

docker.exec_driver: docker-exec

If this configuration option is not found, Salt will use the appropriate interface (either nsenter or lxc-attach) based on the Execution Driver value returned from docker info. docker-exec will not be used by default, as it is presently (as of version 1.6.2) only able to execute commands as the effective user of the container. Thus, if a USER directive was used to run as a non-privileged user, docker-exec would be unable to perform the action as root. Salt can still use docker-exec as an execution driver, but must be explicitly configured (as in the example above) to do so at this time.

If possible, try to manually specify the execution driver, as it will save Salt a little work.

This execution module provides functions that shadow those from the cmd module. They are as follows:

Detailed Function Documentation

class salt.modules.dockermod.DockerJSONDecoder(*, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, strict=True, object_pairs_hook=None)
decode(s, _w=None)

Return the Python representation of s (a str instance containing a JSON document).

salt.modules.dockermod.apply_(name, mods=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2019.2.0.

Apply states! This function will call highstate or state.sls based on the arguments passed in, apply is intended to be the main gateway for all state executions.

CLI Example:

salt 'docker' docker.apply web01
salt 'docker' docker.apply web01 test
salt 'docker' docker.apply web01 test,pkgs, repository=None, tag=None, cache=True, rm=True, api_response=False, fileobj=None, dockerfile=None, buildargs=None)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: If the built image should be tagged, then the repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Builds a docker image from a Dockerfile or a URL


Path to directory on the Minion containing a Dockerfile


Optional repository name for the image being built

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name for the image (required if repository is passed)

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


Set to False to force the build process not to use the Docker image cache, and pull all required intermediate image layers


Remove intermediate containers created during build


If True: an API_Response key will be present in the return data, containing the raw output from the Docker API.


Allows for a file-like object containing the contents of the Dockerfile to be passed in place of a file path argument. This argument should not be used from the CLI, only from other Salt code.


Allows for an alternative Dockerfile to be specified. Path to alternative Dockefile is relative to the build path for the Docker container.

New in version 2016.11.0.


A dictionary of build arguments provided to the docker build process.


A dictionary containing one or more of the following keys:

  • Id - ID of the newly-built image

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the build

  • Intermediate_Containers - IDs of containers created during the course of the build process

    (Only present if rm=False)

  • Images - A dictionary containing one or more of the following keys:
    • Already_Pulled - Layers that that were already present on the Minion

    • Pulled - Layers that that were pulled

    (Only present if the image specified by the "repository" and "tag" arguments was not present on the Minion, or if cache=False)

  • Status - A string containing a summary of the pull action (usually a message saying that an image was downloaded, or that it was up to date).

    (Only present if the image specified by the "repository" and "tag" arguments was not present on the Minion, or if cache=False)

CLI Example:

salt myminion /path/to/docker/build/dir
salt myminion repository=myimage tag=latest
salt myminion /path/to/docker/build/dir dockerfile=Dockefile.different repository=myimage tag=dev, function, *args, **kwargs)

Executes a Salt function inside a running container

New in version 2016.11.0.

The container does not need to have Salt installed, but Python is required.


Container name or ID


Salt execution module function

CLI Example:

salt myminion
salt myminion test.arg arg1 arg2 key1=val1
salt myminion compassionate_mirzakhani test.arg arg1 arg2 key1=val1
salt.modules.dockermod.commit(name, repository, tag='latest', message=None, author=None)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: The repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Commits a container, thereby promoting it to an image. Equivalent to running the docker commit Docker CLI command.


Container name or ID to commit


Repository name for the image being committed

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name for the image

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


Commit message (Optional)


Author name (Optional)


A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • Id - ID of the newly-created image

  • Image - Name of the newly-created image

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the commit

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.commit mycontainer myuser/myimage mytag
salt.modules.dockermod.compare_container(first, second, ignore=None)

This function is an alias of compare_containers.

New in version 2017.7.0.

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Renamed from docker.compare_container to docker.compare_containers (old function name remains as an alias)

Compare two containers' Config and and HostConfig and return any differences between the two.


Name or ID of first container


Name or ID of second container


A comma-separated list (or Python list) of keys to ignore when comparing. This is useful when comparing two otherwise identical containers which have different hostnames.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.compare_containers foo bar
salt myminion docker.compare_containers foo bar ignore=Hostname
salt.modules.dockermod.compare_container_networks(first, second)

New in version 2018.3.0.

Returns the differences between two containers' networks. When a network is only present one of the two containers, that network's diff will simply be represented with True for the side of the diff in which the network is present) and False for the side of the diff in which the network is absent.

This function works by comparing the contents of both containers' Networks keys (under NetworkSettings) in the return data from docker.inspect_container. Because each network contains some items that either A) only set at runtime, B) naturally varying from container to container, or both, by default the following keys in each network are examined:

  • Aliases

  • Links

  • IPAMConfig

The exception to this is if IPAMConfig is unset (i.e. null) in one container but not the other. This happens when no static IP configuration is set, and automatic IP configuration is in effect. So, in order to report on changes between automatic IP configuration in one container and static IP configuration in another container (as we need to do for the docker_container.running state), automatic IP configuration will also be checked in these cases.

This function uses the docker.compare_container_networks minion config option to determine which keys to examine. This provides flexibility in the event that features added in a future Docker release necessitate changes to how Salt compares networks. In these cases, rather than waiting for a new Salt release one can just set docker.compare_container_networks.

Changed in version 3000: This config option can now also be set in pillar data and grains. Additionally, it can be set in the master config file, provided that pillar_opts is enabled on the minion.


The checks for automatic IP configuration described above only apply if IPAMConfig is among the keys set for static IP checks in docker.compare_container_networks.


Name or ID of first container (old)


Name or ID of second container (new)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.compare_container_networks foo bar
salt.modules.dockermod.compare_containers(first, second, ignore=None)

New in version 2017.7.0.

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Renamed from docker.compare_container to docker.compare_containers (old function name remains as an alias)

Compare two containers' Config and and HostConfig and return any differences between the two.


Name or ID of first container


Name or ID of second container


A comma-separated list (or Python list) of keys to ignore when comparing. This is useful when comparing two otherwise identical containers which have different hostnames.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.compare_containers foo bar
salt myminion docker.compare_containers foo bar ignore=Hostname
salt.modules.dockermod.compare_networks(first, second, ignore='Name, Id, Created, Containers')

New in version 2018.3.0.

Compare two networks and return any differences between the two


Name or ID of first container


Name or ID of second container


A comma-separated list (or Python list) of keys to ignore when comparing.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.compare_network foo bar
salt.modules.dockermod.connect_container_to_network(container, net_id, **kwargs)

New in version 2015.8.3.

Changed in version 2017.7.0: Support for ipv4_address argument added

Changed in version 2018.3.0: All arguments are now passed through to connect_container_to_network(), allowing for any new arguments added to this function to be supported automagically.

Connect container to network. See the connect_container_to_network() docs for information on supported arguments.


Container name or ID


Network name or ID

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.connect_container_to_network web-1 mynet
salt myminion docker.connect_container_to_network web-1 mynet ipv4_address=
salt myminion docker.connect_container_to_network web-1 1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc
salt.modules.dockermod.connected(name, verbose=False)

New in version 2018.3.0.

Return a list of running containers attached to the specified network


Network name


If True, return extended info about each container (IP configuration, etc.)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.connected net_name
salt.modules.dockermod.copy_from(name, source, dest, overwrite=False, makedirs=False)

Copy a file from inside a container to the Minion


Container name


Path of the file on the container's filesystem


Destination on the Minion. Must be an absolute path. If the destination is a directory, the file will be copied into that directory.


Unless this option is set to True, then if a file exists at the location specified by the dest argument, an error will be raised.


Create the parent directory on the container if it does not already exist.


A boolean (True if successful, otherwise False)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.copy_from mycontainer /var/log/nginx/access.log /home/myuser
salt.modules.dockermod.copy_to(name, source, dest, exec_driver=None, overwrite=False, makedirs=False)

Copy a file from the host into a container


Container name


File to be copied to the container. Can be a local path on the Minion or a remote file from the Salt fileserver.


Destination on the container. Must be an absolute path. If the destination is a directory, the file will be copied into that directory.


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Unless this option is set to True, then if a file exists at the location specified by the dest argument, an error will be raised.


Create the parent directory on the container if it does not already exist.


A boolean (True if successful, otherwise False)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.copy_to mycontainer /tmp/foo /root/foo
salt.modules.dockermod.create(image, name=None, start=False, skip_translate=None, ignore_collisions=False, validate_ip_addrs=True, client_timeout=60, **kwargs)

Create a new container


Image from which to create the container


Name for the new container. If not provided, Docker will randomly generate one for you (it will be included in the return data).


If True, start container after creating it

New in version 2018.3.0.


This function translates Salt CLI or SLS input into the format which docker-py expects. However, in the event that Salt's translation logic fails (due to potential changes in the Docker Remote API, or to bugs in the translation code), this argument can be used to exert granular control over which arguments are translated and which are not.

Pass this argument as a comma-separated list (or Python list) of arguments, and translation for each passed argument name will be skipped. Alternatively, pass True and all translation will be skipped.

Skipping tranlsation allows for arguments to be formatted directly in the format which docker-py expects. This allows for API changes and other issues to be more easily worked around. An example of using this option to skip translation would be:

salt myminion docker.create image=centos:7.3.1611 skip_translate=environment environment="{'FOO': 'bar'}"

See the following links for more information:


Since many of docker-py's arguments differ in name from their CLI counterparts (with which most Docker users are more familiar), Salt detects usage of these and aliases them to the docker-py version of that argument. However, if both the alias and the docker-py version of the same argument (e.g. env and environment) are used, an error will be raised. Set this argument to True to suppress these errors and keep the docker-py version of the argument.


For parameters which accept IP addresses as input, IP address validation will be performed. To disable, set this to False


Timeout in seconds for the Docker client. This is not a timeout for this function, but for receiving a response from the API.


This is only used if Salt needs to pull the requested image.


auto_remove (or rm)False

Enable auto-removal of the container on daemon side when the container’s process exits (analogous to running a docker container with --rm on the CLI).


  • auto_remove=True

  • rm=True


Files/directories to bind mount. Each bind mount should be passed in one of the following formats:

  • <host_path>:<container_path> - host_path is mounted within the container as container_path with read-write access.

  • <host_path>:<container_path>:<selinux_context> - host_path is mounted within the container as container_path with read-write access. Additionally, the specified selinux context will be set within the container.

  • <host_path>:<container_path>:<read_only> - host_path is mounted within the container as container_path, with the read-only or read-write setting explicitly defined.

  • <host_path>:<container_path>:<read_only>,<selinux_context> - host_path is mounted within the container as container_path, with the read-only or read-write setting explicitly defined. Additionally, the specified selinux context will be set within the container.

<read_only> can be either ro for read-write access, or ro for read-only access. When omitted, it is assumed to be read-write.

<selinux_context> can be z if the volume is shared between multiple containers, or Z if the volume should be private.


When both <read_only> and <selinux_context> are specified, there must be a comma before <selinux_context>.

Binds can be expressed as a comma-separated list or a Python list, however in cases where both ro/rw and an selinux context are specified, the binds must be specified as a Python list.


  • binds=/srv/www:/var/www:ro

  • binds=/srv/www:/var/www:rw

  • binds=/srv/www:/var/www

  • binds="['/srv/www:/var/www:ro,Z']"

  • binds="['/srv/www:/var/www:rw,Z']"

  • binds=/srv/www:/var/www:Z


The second and third examples above are equivalent to each other, as are the last two examples.


Block IO weight (relative weight), accepts a weight value between 10 and 1000.

Example: blkio_weight=100


Block IO weight (relative device weight), specified as a list of expressions in the format PATH:WEIGHT

Example: blkio_weight_device=/dev/sda:100


List of capabilities to add within the container. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list. Requires Docker 1.2.0 or newer.


  • cap_add=SYS_ADMIN,MKNOD

  • cap_add="[SYS_ADMIN, MKNOD]"


List of capabilities to drop within the container. Can be passed as a comma-separated string or a Python list. Requires Docker 1.2.0 or newer.


  • cap_drop=SYS_ADMIN,MKNOD,

  • cap_drop="[SYS_ADMIN, MKNOD]"

command (or cmd)

Command to run in the container

Example: command=bash or cmd=bash

Changed in version 2015.8.1: cmd is now also accepted

cpuset_cpus (or cpuset)

CPUs on which which to allow execution, specified as a string containing a range (e.g. 0-3) or a comma-separated list of CPUs (e.g. 0,1).


  • cpuset_cpus="0-3"

  • cpuset="0,1"


Memory nodes on which which to allow execution, specified as a string containing a range (e.g. 0-3) or a comma-separated list of MEMs (e.g. 0,1). Only effective on NUMA systems.


  • cpuset_mems="0-3"

  • cpuset_mems="0,1"


The length of a CPU period in microseconds

Example: cpu_group=100000


Microseconds of CPU time that the container can get in a CPU period

Example: cpu_period=50000


CPU shares (relative weight), specified as an integer between 2 and 1024.

Example: cpu_shares=512


If True, run the container's command in the background (daemon mode)

Example: detach=True


List of host devices to expose within the container


  • devices="/dev/net/tun,/dev/xvda1:/dev/xvda1,/dev/xvdb1:/dev/xvdb1:r"

  • devices="['/dev/net/tun', '/dev/xvda1:/dev/xvda1', '/dev/xvdb1:/dev/xvdb1:r']"


Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device, specified as a list of expressions in the format PATH:RATE, where RATE is either an integer number of bytes, or a string ending in kb, mb, or gb.


  • device_read_bps="/dev/sda:1mb,/dev/sdb:5mb"

  • device_read_bps="['/dev/sda:100mb', '/dev/sdb:5mb']"


Limit read rate (I/O per second) from a device, specified as a list of expressions in the format PATH:RATE, where RATE is a number of I/O operations.


  • device_read_iops="/dev/sda:1000,/dev/sdb:500"

  • device_read_iops="['/dev/sda:1000', '/dev/sdb:500']"


Limit write rate (bytes per second) from a device, specified as a list of expressions in the format PATH:RATE, where RATE is either an integer number of bytes, or a string ending in kb, mb or gb.


  • device_write_bps="/dev/sda:100mb,/dev/sdb:50mb"

  • device_write_bps="['/dev/sda:100mb', '/dev/sdb:50mb']"


Limit write rate (I/O per second) from a device, specified as a list of expressions in the format PATH:RATE, where RATE is a number of I/O operations.


  • device_read_iops="/dev/sda:1000,/dev/sdb:500"

  • device_read_iops="['/dev/sda:1000', '/dev/sdb:500']"


List of DNS nameservers. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.


  • dns=,

  • dns="['', '']"


To skip IP address validation, use validate_ip_addrs=False


Additional options to be added to the container’s resolv.conf file

Example: dns_opt=ndots:9


List of DNS search domains. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.


  • dns_search=foo1.domain.tld,foo2.domain.tld

  • dns_search="[foo1.domain.tld, foo2.domain.tld]"


The domain name to use for the container

Example: domainname=domain.tld


Entrypoint for the container. Either a string (e.g. "mycmd --arg1 --arg2") or a Python list (e.g. "['mycmd', '--arg1', '--arg2']")


  • entrypoint="cat access.log"

  • entrypoint="['cat', 'access.log']"

environment (or env)

Either a dictionary of environment variable names and their values, or a Python list of strings in the format VARNAME=value.


  • environment='VAR1=value,VAR2=value'

  • environment="['VAR1=value', 'VAR2=value']"

  • environment="{'VAR1': 'value', 'VAR2': 'value'}"


Additional hosts to add to the container's /etc/hosts file. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list. Requires Docker 1.3.0 or newer.


  • extra_hosts=web1:,web2:

  • extra_hosts="['web1:', 'web2:']"

  • extra_hosts="{'web1': '', 'web2': ''}"


To skip IP address validation, use validate_ip_addrs=False


List of additional group names and/or IDs that the container process will run as


  • group_add=web,network

  • group_add="['web', 'network']"


Hostname of the container. If not provided, and if a name has been provided, the hostname will default to the name that was passed.

Example: hostname=web1


If the container is started with network_mode=host, the hostname will be overridden by the hostname of the Minion.

interactive (or stdin_open): False

Leave stdin open, even if not attached


  • interactive=True

  • stdin_open=True

ipc_mode (or ipc)

Set the IPC mode for the container. The default behavior is to create a private IPC namespace for the container, but this option can be used to change that behavior:

  • container:<container_name_or_id> reuses another container shared memory, semaphores and message queues

  • host: use the host's shared memory, semaphores and message queues


  • ipc_mode=container:foo

  • ipc=host


Using host gives the container full access to local shared memory and is therefore considered insecure.


Specifies the type of isolation technology used by containers

Example: isolation=hyperv


The default value on Windows server is process, while the default value on Windows client is hyperv. On Linux, only default is supported.

labels (or label)

Add metadata to the container. Labels can be set both with and without values:


  • labels=foo,bar=baz

  • labels="['foo', 'bar=baz']"

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Labels both with and without values can now be mixed. Earlier releases only permitted one method or the other.


Link this container to another. Links should be specified in the format <container_name_or_id>:<link_alias>. Multiple links can be passed, ether as a comma separated list or a Python list.


  • links=web1:link1,web2:link2,

  • links="['web1:link1', 'web2:link2']"

  • links="{'web1': 'link1', 'web2': 'link2'}"


Set container's logging driver. Requires Docker 1.6 or newer.


  • log_driver=syslog


The logging driver feature was improved in Docker 1.13 introducing option name changes. Please see Docker's Configure logging drivers documentation for more information.


Config options for the log_driver config option. Requires Docker 1.6 or newer.


  • log_opt="syslog-address=tcp://,syslog-facility=daemon"

  • log_opt="['syslog-address=tcp://', 'syslog-facility=daemon']"

  • log_opt="{'syslog-address': 'tcp://', 'syslog-facility': 'daemon'}"


Additional LXC configuration parameters to set before starting the container.


  • lxc_conf="lxc.utsname=docker,lxc.arch=x86_64"

  • lxc_conf="['lxc.utsname=docker', 'lxc.arch=x86_64']"

  • lxc_conf="{'lxc.utsname': 'docker', 'lxc.arch': 'x86_64'}"


These LXC configuration parameters will only have the desired effect if the container is using the LXC execution driver, which has been deprecated for some time.


MAC address to use for the container. If not specified, a random MAC address will be used.

Example: mac_address=01:23:45:67:89:0a

mem_limit (or memory)0

Memory limit. Can be specified in bytes or using single-letter units (i.e. 512M, 2G, etc.). A value of 0 (the default) means no memory limit.


  • mem_limit=512M

  • memory=1073741824


Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100.

Example: mem_swappiness=60

memswap_limit (or memory_swap)-1

Total memory limit (memory plus swap). Set to -1 to disable swap. A value of 0 means no swap limit.


  • memswap_limit=1G

  • memory_swap=2147483648


If True, networking will be disabled within the container

Example: network_disabled=True


One of the following:

  • bridge - Creates a new network stack for the container on the docker bridge

  • none - No networking (equivalent of the Docker CLI argument --net=none). Not to be confused with Python's None.

  • container:<name_or_id> - Reuses another container's network stack

  • host - Use the host's network stack inside the container


    Using host mode gives the container full access to the hosts system's services (such as D-Bus), and is therefore considered insecure.


  • network_mode=null

  • network_mode=container:web1


Whether to disable OOM killer

Example: oom_kill_disable=False


An integer value containing the score given to the container in order to tune OOM killer preferences

Example: oom_score_adj=500


Set to host to use the host container's PID namespace within the container. Requires Docker 1.5.0 or newer.

Example: pid_mode=host


Set the container's PID limit. Set to -1 for unlimited.

Example: pids_limit=2000

port_bindings (or publish)

Bind exposed ports which were exposed using the ports argument to docker.create. These should be passed in the same way as the --publish argument to the docker run CLI command:

  • ip:hostPort:containerPort - Bind a specific IP and port on the host to a specific port within the container.

  • ip::containerPort - Bind a specific IP and an ephemeral port to a specific port within the container.

  • hostPort:containerPort - Bind a specific port on all of the host's interfaces to a specific port within the container.

  • containerPort - Bind an ephemeral port on all of the host's interfaces to a specific port within the container.

Multiple bindings can be separated by commas, or passed as a Python list. The below two examples are equivalent:

  • port_bindings="5000:5000,2123:2123/udp,8080"

  • port_bindings="['5000:5000', '2123:2123/udp', 8080]"

Port bindings can also include ranges:

  • port_bindings="14505-14506:4505-4506"


When specifying a protocol, it must be passed in the containerPort value, as seen in the examples above.


A list of ports to expose on the container. Can be passed as comma-separated list or a Python list. If the protocol is omitted, the port will be assumed to be a TCP port.


  • ports=1111,2222/udp

  • ports="[1111, '2222/udp']"


If True, runs the exec process with extended privileges

Example: privileged=True

publish_all_ports (or publish_all): False

Publish all ports to the host

Example: publish_all_ports=True


If True, mount the container’s root filesystem as read only

Example: read_only=True

restart_policy (or restart)

Set a restart policy for the container. Must be passed as a string in the format policy[:retry_count] where policy is one of always, unless-stopped, or on-failure, and retry_count is an optional limit to the number of retries. The retry count is ignored when using the always or unless-stopped restart policy.


  • restart_policy=on-failure:5

  • restart_policy=always


Security configuration for MLS systems such as SELinux and AppArmor. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.


  • security_opt=apparmor:unconfined,param2:value2

  • security_opt='["apparmor:unconfined", "param2:value2"]'


Some security options can contain commas. In these cases, this argument must be passed as a Python list, as splitting by comma will result in an invalid configuration.


See the documentation for security_opt at


Size of /dev/shm

Example: shm_size=128M


The signal used to stop the container. The default is SIGTERM.

Example: stop_signal=SIGRTMIN+3


Timeout to stop the container, in seconds

Example: stop_timeout=5


Storage driver options for the container


  • storage_opt='dm.basesize=40G'

  • storage_opt="['dm.basesize=40G']"

  • storage_opt="{'dm.basesize': '40G'}"

sysctls (or sysctl)

Set sysctl options for the container


  • sysctl='fs.nr_open=1048576,kernel.pid_max=32768'

  • sysctls="['fs.nr_open=1048576', 'kernel.pid_max=32768']"

  • sysctls="{'fs.nr_open': '1048576', 'kernel.pid_max': '32768'}"


A map of container directories which should be replaced by tmpfs mounts, and their corresponding mount options. Can be passed as Python list of PATH:VALUE mappings, or a Python dictionary. However, since commas usually appear in the values, this option cannot be passed as a comma-separated list.


  • tmpfs="['/run:rw,noexec,nosuid,size=65536k', '/var/lib/mysql:rw,noexec,nosuid,size=600m']"

  • tmpfs="{'/run': 'rw,noexec,nosuid,size=65536k', '/var/lib/mysql': 'rw,noexec,nosuid,size=600m'}"


Attach TTYs

Example: tty=True

ulimits (or ulimit)

List of ulimits. These limits should be passed in the format <ulimit_name>:<soft_limit>:<hard_limit>, with the hard limit being optional. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.


  • ulimits="nofile=1024:1024,nproc=60"

  • ulimits="['nofile=1024:1024', 'nproc=60']"


User under which to run exec process

Example: user=foo

userns_mode (or user_ns_mode)

Sets the user namsepace mode, when the user namespace remapping option is enabled.

Example: userns_mode=host

volumes (or volume)

List of directories to expose as volumes. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.


  • volumes=/mnt/vol1,/mnt/vol2

  • volume="['/mnt/vol1', '/mnt/vol2']"


Container names or IDs from which the container will get volumes. Can be passed as a comma-separated list or a Python list.

Example: volumes_from=foo, volumes_from=foo,bar, volumes_from="[foo, bar]"


Sets the container's volume driver

Example: volume_driver=foobar

working_dir (or workdir)

Working directory inside the container


  • working_dir=/var/log/nginx

  • workdir=/var/www/myapp


A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • Id - ID of the newly-created container

  • Name - Name of the newly-created container

CLI Example:

# Create a data-only container
salt myminion docker.create myuser/mycontainer volumes="/mnt/vol1,/mnt/vol2"
# Create a CentOS 7 container that will stay running once started
salt myminion docker.create centos:7 name=mycent7 interactive=True tty=True command=bash
salt.modules.dockermod.create_network(name, skip_translate=None, ignore_collisions=False, validate_ip_addrs=True, client_timeout=60, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Support added for network configuration options other than driver and driver_opts, as well as IPAM configuration.

Create a new network


This function supports all arguments for network and IPAM pool configuration which are available for the release of docker-py installed on the minion. For that reason, the arguments described below in the NETWORK CONFIGURATION ARGUMENTS and IP ADDRESS MANAGEMENT (IPAM) sections may not accurately reflect what is available on the minion. The docker.get_client_args function can be used to check the available arguments for the installed version of docker-py (they are found in the network_config and ipam_config sections of the return data), but Salt will not prevent a user from attempting to use an argument which is unsupported in the release of Docker which is installed. In those cases, network creation be attempted but will fail.


Network name


This function translates Salt CLI or SLS input into the format which docker-py expects. However, in the event that Salt's translation logic fails (due to potential changes in the Docker Remote API, or to bugs in the translation code), this argument can be used to exert granular control over which arguments are translated and which are not.

Pass this argument as a comma-separated list (or Python list) of arguments, and translation for each passed argument name will be skipped. Alternatively, pass True and all translation will be skipped.

Skipping tranlsation allows for arguments to be formatted directly in the format which docker-py expects. This allows for API changes and other issues to be more easily worked around. See the following links for more information:

New in version 2018.3.0.


Since many of docker-py's arguments differ in name from their CLI counterparts (with which most Docker users are more familiar), Salt detects usage of these and aliases them to the docker-py version of that argument. However, if both the alias and the docker-py version of the same argument (e.g. options and driver_opts) are used, an error will be raised. Set this argument to True to suppress these errors and keep the docker-py version of the argument.

New in version 2018.3.0.


For parameters which accept IP addresses as input, IP address validation will be performed. To disable, set this to False


When validating subnets, whether or not the IP portion of the subnet is a valid subnet boundary will not be checked. The IP will portion will be validated, and the subnet size will be checked to confirm it is a valid number (1-32 for IPv4, 1-128 for IPv6).

New in version 2018.3.0.



Network driver

Example: driver=macvlan

driver_opts (or driver_opt, or options)

Options for the network driver. Either a dictionary of option names and values or a Python list of strings in the format varname=value.


  • driver_opts='macvlan_mode=bridge,parent=eth0'

  • driver_opts="['macvlan_mode=bridge', 'parent=eth0']"

  • driver_opts="{'macvlan_mode': 'bridge', 'parent': 'eth0'}"


If True, checks for networks with duplicate names. Since networks are primarily keyed based on a random ID and not on the name, and network name is strictly a user-friendly alias to the network which is uniquely identified using ID, there is no guaranteed way to check for duplicates. This option providess a best effort, checking for any networks which have the same name, but it is not guaranteed to catch all name collisions.

Example: check_duplicate=False


If True, restricts external access to the network

Example: internal=True


Add metadata to the network. Labels can be set both with and without values:

Examples (with values):

  • labels="label1=value1,label2=value2"

  • labels="['label1=value1', 'label2=value2']"

  • labels="{'label1': 'value1', 'label2': 'value2'}"

Examples (without values):

  • labels=label1,label2

  • labels="['label1', 'label2']"

enable_ipv6 (or ipv6)False

Enable IPv6 on the network

Example: enable_ipv6=True


While it should go without saying, this argument must be set to True to configure an IPv6 subnet. Also, if this option is turned on without an IPv6 subnet explicitly configured, you will get an error unless you have set up a fixed IPv6 subnet. Consult the Docker IPv6 docs for information on how to do this.


If True, and the network is in the global scope, non-service containers on worker nodes will be able to connect to the network.

Example: attachable=True


While support for this option was added in API version 1.24, its value was not added to the inpsect results until API version 1.26. The version of Docker which is available for CentOS 7 runs API version 1.24, meaning that while Salt can pass this argument to the API, it has no way of knowing the value of this config option in an existing Docker network.


Specify the network's scope (local, global or swarm)

Example: scope=local


If True, create an ingress network which provides the routing-mesh in swarm mode

Example: ingress=True


This function supports networks with either IPv4, or both IPv4 and IPv6. If configuring IPv4, then you can pass the IPAM arguments as shown below, as individual arguments on the Salt CLI. However, if configuring IPv4 and IPv6, the arguments must be passed as a list of dictionaries, in the ipam_pools argument. See the CLI Examples below. These docs also have more information on these arguments.



IPAM driver to use, if different from the default one

Example: ipam_driver=foo


Options for the IPAM driver. Either a dictionary of option names and values or a Python list of strings in the format varname=value.


  • ipam_opts='foo=bar,baz=qux'

  • ipam_opts="['foo=bar', 'baz=quz']"

  • ipam_opts="{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'}"



Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment

Example: subnet=

iprange (or ip_range)

Allocate container IP from a sub-range within the subnet

Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment

Example: iprange=


IPv4 gateway for the master subnet

Example: gateway=

aux_addresses (or aux_address)

A dictionary of mapping container names to IP addresses which should be allocated for them should they connect to the network. Either a dictionary of option names and values or a Python list of strings in the format host=ipaddr.


  • aux_addresses=','

  • aux_addresses="['', '']"

  • aux_addresses="{'': '', '': ''}"

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.create_network web_network driver=bridge
# IPv4
salt myminion docker.create_network macvlan_network driver=macvlan driver_opts="{'parent':'eth0'}" gateway= subnet=
# IPv4 and IPv6
salt myminion docker.create_network mynet ipam_pools='[{"subnet": "", "gateway": ""}, {"subnet": "fe3f:2180:26:1::60/123", "gateway": "fe3f:2180:26:1::61"}]'
salt.modules.dockermod.create_volume(name, driver=None, driver_opts=None)

Create a new volume

New in version 2015.8.4.


name of volume


Driver of the volume


Options for the driver volume

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.create_volume my_volume driver=local
salt.modules.dockermod.dangling(prune=False, force=False)

Return top-level images (those on which no other images depend) which do not have a tag assigned to them. These include:

  • Images which were once tagged but were later untagged, such as those which were superseded by committing a new copy of an existing tagged image.

  • Images which were loaded using docker.load (or the docker load Docker CLI command), but not tagged.


Remove these images


If True, and if prune=True, then forcibly remove these images.


If prune=False, the return data will be a list of dangling image IDs.

If prune=True, the return data will be a dictionary with each key being the ID of the dangling image, and the following information for each image:

  • Comment - Any error encountered when trying to prune a dangling image

    (Only present if prune failed)

  • Removed - A boolean (True if prune was successful, False if not)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.dangling
salt myminion docker.dangling prune=True

Returns the containers and images, if any, which depend on the given image


Name or ID of image


A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • Containers - A list of containers which depend on the specified image

  • Images - A list of IDs of images which depend on the specified image

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.depends myimage
salt myminion docker.depends 0123456789ab

Get information on changes made to container's filesystem since it was created. Equivalent to running the docker diff Docker CLI command.


Container name or ID


A dictionary containing any of the following keys:

  • Added - A list of paths that were added.

  • Changed - A list of paths that were changed.

  • Deleted - A list of paths that were deleted.

These keys will only be present if there were changes, so if the container has no differences the return dict will be empty.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.diff mycontainer

New in version 2018.3.0.

Runs docker.disconnect_container_from_network on all containers connected to the specified network, and returns the names of all containers that were disconnected.


Network name or ID

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.disconnect_all_containers_from_network mynet
salt myminion docker.disconnect_all_containers_from_network 1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc
salt.modules.dockermod.disconnect_container_from_network(container, network_id)

New in version 2015.8.3.

Disconnect container from network


Container name or ID


Network name or ID

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.disconnect_container_from_network web-1 mynet
salt myminion docker.disconnect_container_from_network web-1 1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc

Check if a given container exists


Container name or ID


A boolean (True if the container exists, otherwise False)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.exists mycontainer
salt.modules.dockermod.export(name, path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs)

Exports a container to a tar archive. It can also optionally compress that tar archive, and push it up to the Master.


Container name or ID


Absolute path on the Minion where the container will be exported


Unless this option is set to True, then if a file exists at the location specified by the path argument, an error will be raised.


If True, then if the parent directory of the file specified by the path argument does not exist, Salt will attempt to create it.


Can be set to any of the following:

  • gzip or gz for gzip compression

  • bzip2 or bz2 for bzip2 compression

  • xz or lzma for XZ compression (requires xz-utils, as well as the lzma module from Python 3.3, available in Python 2 and Python 3.0-3.2 as backports.lzma)

This parameter can be omitted and Salt will attempt to determine the compression type by examining the filename passed in the path parameter.


If True, the container will be pushed to the master using cp.push.


This requires file_recv to be set to True on the Master.


A dictionary will containing the following keys:

  • Path - Path of the file that was exported

  • Push - Reports whether or not the file was successfully pushed to the Master

    (Only present if push=True)

  • Size - Size of the file, in bytes

  • Size_Human - Size of the file, in human-readable units

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the export

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.export mycontainer /tmp/mycontainer.tar
salt myminion docker.export mycontainer /tmp/mycontainer.tar.xz push=True

New in version 2016.3.6,2016.11.4,2017.7.0.

Changed in version 2017.7.0: Replaced the container config args with the ones from the API's create_container function.

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Added ability to limit the input to specific client functions

Many functions in Salt have been written to support the full list of arguments for a given function in the docker-py Low-level API. However, depending on the version of docker-py installed on the minion, the available arguments may differ. This function will get the arguments for various functions in the installed version of docker-py, to be used as a reference.


An optional list of categories for which to limit the return. This is useful if only a specific set of arguments is desired, and also keeps other function's argspecs from needlessly being examined.


CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.get_client_args
salt myminion docker.get_client_args logs
salt myminion docker.get_client_args create_container,connect_container_to_network
salt.modules.dockermod.highstate(name, saltenv='base', **kwargs)

Apply a highstate to the running container

New in version 2019.2.0.

The container does not need to have Salt installed, but Python is required.


Container name or ID


Specify the environment from which to retrieve the SLS indicated by the mods parameter.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.highstate compassionate_mirzakhani
salt.modules.dockermod.history(name, quiet=False)

Return the history for an image. Equivalent to running the docker history Docker CLI command.


Container name or ID


If True, the return data will simply be a list of the commands run to build the container.

$ salt myminion docker.history nginx:latest quiet=True
    - FROM scratch
    - ADD file:ef063ed0ae9579362871b9f23d2bc0781ef7cd4de6ac822052cf6c9c5a12b1e2 in /
    - CMD [/bin/bash]
    - MAINTAINER NGINX Docker Maintainers ""
    - apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 573BFD6B3D8FBC641079A6ABABF5BD827BD9BF62
    - echo "deb wheezy nginx" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    - ENV NGINX_VERSION=1.7.10-1~wheezy
    - apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y ca-certificates nginx=${NGINX_VERSION} &&     rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    - ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log
    - ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log
    - VOLUME [/var/cache/nginx]
    - EXPOSE map[80/tcp:{} 443/tcp:{}]
    - CMD [nginx -g daemon off;]


If quiet=False, the return value will be a list of dictionaries containing information about each step taken to build the image. The keys in each step include the following:

  • Command - The command executed in this build step

  • Id - Layer ID

  • Size - Cumulative image size, in bytes

  • Size_Human - Cumulative image size, in human-readable units

  • Tags - Tag(s) assigned to this layer

  • Time_Created_Epoch - Time this build step was completed (Epoch time)

  • Time_Created_Local - Time this build step was completed (Minion's local timezone)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.exists mycontainer
salt.modules.dockermod.images(verbose=False, **kwargs)

Returns information about the Docker images on the Minion. Equivalent to running the docker images Docker CLI command.


If True, untagged images will also be returned


If True, a docker inspect will be run on each image returned.


A dictionary with each key being an image ID, and each value some general info about that image (time created, size, tags associated with the image, etc.)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.images
salt myminion docker.images all=True
salt.modules.dockermod.import_(source, repository, tag='latest', api_response=False)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: The repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Imports content from a local tarball or a URL as a new docker image


Content to import (URL or absolute path to a tarball). URL can be a file on the Salt fileserver (i.e. salt://path/to/rootfs/tarball.tar.xz. To import a file from a saltenv other than base (e.g. dev), pass it at the end of the URL (ex. salt://path/to/rootfs/tarball.tar.xz?saltenv=dev).


Repository name for the image being imported

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name for the image

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


If True an api_response key will be present in the return data, containing the raw output from the Docker API.


A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • Id - ID of the newly-created image

  • Image - Name of the newly-created image

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the commit

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.import /tmp/cent7-minimal.tar.xz myuser/centos
salt myminion docker.import /tmp/cent7-minimal.tar.xz myuser/centos:7
salt myminion docker.import salt://dockerimages/cent7-minimal.tar.xz myuser/centos:7

Returns a dictionary of system-wide information. Equivalent to running the docker info Docker CLI command.

CLI Example:

salt myminion

Changed in version 2017.7.0: Volumes and networks are now checked, in addition to containers and images.

This is a generic container/image/volume/network inspecton function. It will run the following functions in order:

The first of these to find a match will be returned.


Container/image/volume/network name or ID


A dictionary of container/image/volume/network information

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.inspect mycontainer
salt myminion docker.inspect busybox

Retrieves container information. Equivalent to running the docker inspect Docker CLI command, but will only look for container information.


Container name or ID


A dictionary of container information

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.inspect_container mycontainer
salt myminion docker.inspect_container 0123456789ab

Retrieves image information. Equivalent to running the docker inspect Docker CLI command, but will only look for image information.


To inspect an image, it must have been pulled from a registry or built locally. Images on a Docker registry which have not been pulled cannot be inspected.


Image name or ID


A dictionary of image information

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.inspect_image busybox
salt myminion docker.inspect_image centos:6
salt myminion docker.inspect_image 0123456789ab

Inspect Network


ID of network

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.inspect_network 1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc

Inspect Volume

New in version 2015.8.4.


Name of volume

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.inspect_volume my_volume

Kill all processes in a running container instead of performing a graceful shutdown


Container name or ID


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • comment - Only present if the container cannot be killed

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.kill mycontainer

Returns a list of the IDs of layers belonging to the specified image, with the top-most layer (the one correspnding to the passed name) appearing last.


Image name or ID

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.layers centos:7

Returns a list of containers by name. This is different from in that returns its results organized by container ID.


If True, stopped containers will be included in return data

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.inspect_image <image>

Returns a list of tagged images

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.list_tags
salt.modules.dockermod.load(path, repository=None, tag=None)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: If the loaded image should be tagged, then the repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Load a tar archive that was created using (or via the Docker CLI using docker save).


Path to docker tar archive. Path can be a file on the Minion, or the URL of a file on the Salt fileserver (i.e. salt://path/to/docker/saved/image.tar). To load a file from a saltenv other than base (e.g. dev), pass it at the end of the URL (ex. salt://path/to/rootfs/tarball.tar.xz?saltenv=dev).


If specified, the topmost layer of the newly-loaded image will be tagged with the specified repo using docker.tag. If a repository name is provided, then the tag argument is also required.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name to go along with the repository name, if the loaded image is to be tagged.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • Path - Path of the file that was saved

  • Layers - A list containing the IDs of the layers which were loaded. Any layers in the file that was loaded, which were already present on the Minion, will not be included.

  • Image - Name of tag applied to topmost layer

    (Only present if tag was specified and tagging was successful)

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to load the file

  • Warning - Message describing any problems encountered in attemp to tag the topmost layer

    (Only present if tag was specified and tagging failed)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.load /path/to/image.tar
salt myminion docker.load salt://path/to/docker/saved/image.tar repository=myuser/myimage tag=mytag

New in version 2016.3.7,2016.11.4,2017.7.0.

Performs a docker login to authenticate to one or more configured repositories. See the documentation at the top of this page to configure authentication credentials.

Multiple registry URLs (matching those configured in Pillar) can be passed, and Salt will attempt to login to just those registries. If no registry URLs are provided, Salt will attempt to login to all configured registries.


A dictionary containing the following keys:

  • Results - A dictionary mapping registry URLs to the authentication result. True means a successful login, False means a failed login.

  • Errors - A list of errors encountered during the course of this function.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.login
salt myminion docker.login hub
salt myminion docker.login hub https://mydomain.tld/registry/
salt.modules.dockermod.logs(name, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Support for all of docker-py's logs() function's arguments, with the exception of stream.

Returns the logs for the container. An interface to docker-py's logs() function.


Container name or ID


Return stdout lines


Return stdout lines


Show timestamps


Output specified number of lines at the end of logs. Either an integer number of lines or the string all.


Show logs since the specified time, passed as a UNIX epoch timestamp. Optionally, if timelib is installed on the minion the timestamp can be passed as a string which will be resolved to a date using timelib.strtodatetime().


If True, this function will block until the container exits and return the logs when it does. The default behavior is to return what is in the log at the time this function is executed.

CLI Examples:

# All logs
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer
# Last 100 lines of log
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer tail=100
# Just stderr
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer stdout=False
# Logs since a specific UNIX timestamp
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer since=1511688459
# Flexible format for "since" argument (requires timelib)
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer since='1 hour ago'
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer since='1 week ago'
salt myminion docker.logs mycontainer since='1 fortnight ago'
salt.modules.dockermod.networks(names=None, ids=None)

Changed in version 2017.7.0: The names and ids can be passed as a comma-separated list now, as well as a Python list.

Changed in version 2018.3.0: The Containers key for each network is no longer always empty.

List existing networks


Filter by name


Filter by id

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.networks names=network-web
salt myminion docker.networks ids=1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc

Pauses a container


Container name or ID


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • comment - Only present if the container cannot be paused

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.pause mycontainer

Returns the PID of a container


Container name or ID

CLI Example:

salt myminion mycontainer
salt myminion 0123456789ab
salt.modules.dockermod.port(name, private_port=None)

Returns port mapping information for a given container. Equivalent to running the docker port Docker CLI command.


Container name or ID

Changed in version 2019.2.0: This value can now be a pattern expression (using the pattern-matching characters defined in fnmatch). If a pattern expression is used, this function will return a dictionary mapping container names which match the pattern to the mappings for those containers. When no pattern expression is used, a dictionary of the mappings for the specified container name will be returned.


If specified, get information for that specific port. Can be specified either as a port number (i.e. 5000), or as a port number plus the protocol (i.e. 5000/udp).

If this argument is omitted, all port mappings will be returned.


A dictionary of port mappings, with the keys being the port and the values being the mapping(s) for that port.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.port mycontainer
salt myminion docker.port mycontainer 5000
salt myminion docker.port mycontainer 5000/udp
salt.modules.dockermod.prune(containers=False, networks=False, images=False, build=False, volumes=False, system=None, **filters)

New in version 2019.2.0.

Prune Docker's various subsystems


This requires docker-py version 2.1.0 or later.


If True, prunes stopped containers (documentation)


If True, prunes unused images (documentation)


If False, prunes unreferenced networks (documentation)


If True, clears the builder cache


Only supported in Docker 17.07.x and newer. Additionally, filters do not apply to this argument.


If True, prunes unreferenced volumes (documentation)


If True, prunes containers, images, networks, and builder cache. Assumed to be True if none of containers, images, networks, or build are set to True.


volumes=True must still be used to prune volumes

  • dangling=True (images only) - remove only dangling images

  • until=<timestamp> - only remove objects created before given timestamp. Not applicable to volumes. See the documentation links above for examples of valid time expressions.

  • label - only remove objects matching the label expression. Valid expressions include labelname or labelname=value.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.prune system=True
salt myminion docker.prune system=True until=12h
salt myminion docker.prune images=True dangling=True
salt myminion docker.prune images=True label=foo,bar=baz
salt.modules.dockermod.ps_(filters=None, **kwargs)

Returns information about the Docker containers on the Minion. Equivalent to running the docker ps Docker CLI command.


If True, stopped containers will also be returned

host: False

If True, local host's network topology will be included


If True, a docker inspect will be run on each container returned.

filters: None

A dictionary of filters to be processed on the container list. Available filters:

  • exited (int): Only containers with specified exit code

  • status (str): One of restarting, running, paused, exited

  • label (str): format either "key" or "key=value"


A dictionary with each key being an container ID, and each value some general info about that container (time created, name, command, etc.)

CLI Example:

salt myminion
salt myminion all=True
salt myminion filters="{'label': 'role=web'}"
salt.modules.dockermod.pull(image, insecure_registry=False, api_response=False, client_timeout=60)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: If no tag is specified in the image argument, all tags for the image will be pulled. For this reason is it recommended to pass image using the repo:tag notation.

Pulls an image from a Docker registry


Image to be pulled


If True, the Docker client will permit the use of insecure (non-HTTPS) registries.


If True, an API_Response key will be present in the return data, containing the raw output from the Docker API.


This may result in a lot of additional return data, especially for larger images.


Timeout in seconds for the Docker client. This is not a timeout for this function, but for receiving a response from the API.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • Layers - A dictionary containing one or more of the following keys:
    • Already_Pulled - Layers that that were already present on the Minion

    • Pulled - Layers that that were pulled

  • Status - A string containing a summary of the pull action (usually a message saying that an image was downloaded, or that it was up to date).

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the pull

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.pull centos
salt myminion docker.pull centos:6
salt.modules.dockermod.push(image, insecure_registry=False, api_response=False, client_timeout=60)

Changed in version 2015.8.4: The Id and Image keys are no longer present in the return data. This is due to changes in the Docker Remote API.

Pushes an image to a Docker registry. See the documentation at top of this page to configure authentication credentials.


Image to be pushed. If just the repository name is passed, then all tagged images for the specified repo will be pushed. If the image name is passed in repo:tag notation, only the specified image will be pushed.


If True, the Docker client will permit the use of insecure (non-HTTPS) registries.


If True, an API_Response key will be present in the return data, containing the raw output from the Docker API.


Timeout in seconds for the Docker client. This is not a timeout for this function, but for receiving a response from the API.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • Layers - A dictionary containing one or more of the following keys:
    • Already_Pushed - Layers that that were already present on the Minion

    • Pushed - Layers that that were pushed

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the push

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.push myuser/mycontainer
salt myminion docker.push myuser/mycontainer:mytag

Remove a network


Network name or ID

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.remove_network mynet
salt myminion docker.remove_network 1f9d2454d0872b68dd9e8744c6e7a4c66b86f10abaccc21e14f7f014f729b2bc

Remove a volume

New in version 2015.8.4.


Name of volume

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.remove_volume my_volume
salt.modules.dockermod.rename(name, new_name)

New in version 2017.7.0.

Renames a container. Returns True if successful, and raises an error if the API returns one. If unsuccessful and the API returns no error (should not happen), then False will be returned.


Name or ID of existing container


New name to assign to container

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.rename foo bar

New in version 2018.3.0.

Given an image name (or partial image ID), return the full image ID. If no match is found among the locally-pulled images, then False will be returned.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.resolve_image_id foo
salt myminion docker.resolve_image_id foo:bar
salt myminion docker.resolve_image_id 36540f359ca3
salt.modules.dockermod.resolve_tag(name, **kwargs)

New in version 2017.7.2.

Changed in version 2018.3.0: Instead of matching against pulled tags using docker.list_tags, this function now simply inspects the passed image name using docker.inspect_image and returns the first matching tag. If no matching tags are found, it is assumed that the passed image is an untagged image ID, and the full ID is returned.

Inspects the specified image name and returns the first matching tag in the inspect results. If the specified image is not pulled locally, this function will return False.


Image name to resolve. If the image is found but there are no tags, this means that the image name passed was an untagged image. In this case the image ID will be returned.


If True, a list of all matching tags will be returned. If the image is found but there are no tags, then a list will still be returned, but it will simply contain the image ID.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.resolve_tag busybox
salt myminion docker.resolve_tag centos:7 all=True
salt myminion docker.resolve_tag c9f378ac27d9
salt.modules.dockermod.restart(name, timeout=10)

Restarts a container


Container name or ID


Timeout in seconds after which the container will be killed (if it has not yet gracefully shut down)


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • restarted - If restart was successful, this key will be present and will be set to True.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.restart mycontainer
salt myminion docker.restart mycontainer timeout=20
salt.modules.dockermod.retcode(name, cmd, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.retcode within a container


Container name or ID in which to run the command


Command to run


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the command


Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.retcode mycontainer 'ls -l /etc'
salt.modules.dockermod.rm_(name, force=False, volumes=False, **kwargs)

Removes a container


Container name or ID


If True, the container will be killed first before removal, as the Docker API will not permit a running container to be removed. This option is set to False by default to prevent accidental removal of a running container.


If True, the container will be stopped first before removal, as the Docker API will not permit a running container to be removed. This option is set to False by default to prevent accidental removal of a running container.

New in version 2017.7.0.


Optional timeout to be passed to docker.stop if stopping the container.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Also remove volumes associated with container


A list of the IDs of containers which were removed

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.rm mycontainer
salt myminion docker.rm mycontainer force=True
salt.modules.dockermod.rmi(*names, **kwargs)

Removes an image


Name (in repo:tag notation) or ID of image.


If True, the image will be removed even if the Minion has containers created from that image


If True, untagged parent image layers will be removed as well, set this to False to keep them.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following two keys:

  • Layers - A list of the IDs of image layers that were removed

  • Tags - A list of the tags that were removed

  • Errors - A list of any errors that were encountered

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.rmi busybox
salt myminion docker.rmi busybox force=True
salt myminion docker.rmi foo bar baz, cmd, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, keep_env=None)

Run within a container


Container name or ID in which to run the command


Command to run


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the command


Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion mycontainer 'ls -l /etc'
salt.modules.dockermod.run_all(name, cmd, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.run_all within a container


While the command is run within the container, it is initiated from the host. Therefore, the PID in the return dict is from the host, not from the container.


Container name or ID in which to run the command


Command to run


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the command


Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.run_all mycontainer 'ls -l /etc'
salt.modules.dockermod.run_container(image, name=None, skip_translate=None, ignore_collisions=False, validate_ip_addrs=True, client_timeout=60, bg=False, replace=False, force=False, networks=None, **kwargs)

New in version 2018.3.0.

Equivalent to docker run on the Docker CLI. Runs the container, waits for it to exit, and returns the container's logs when complete.


Not to be confused with, which provides a interface for executing commands in a running container.

This function accepts the same arguments as docker.create, with the exception of start. In addition, it accepts the arguments from docker.logs, with the exception of follow, to control how logs are returned. Finally, the bg argument described below can be used to optionally run the container in the background (the default behavior is to block until the container exits).


If True, this function will not wait for the container to exit and will not return its logs. It will however return the container's name and ID, allowing for docker.logs to be used to view the logs.


The logs will be inaccessible once the container exits if auto_remove is set to True, so keep this in mind.


If True, and if the named container already exists, this will remove the existing container. The default behavior is to return a False result when the container already exists.


If True, and the named container already exists, and replace is also set to True, then the container will be forcibly removed. Otherwise, the state will not proceed and will return a False result.


Networks to which the container should be connected. If automatic IP configuration is being used, the networks can be a simple list of network names. If custom IP configuration is being used, then this argument must be passed as a dictionary.

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.run_container myuser/myimage command=/usr/local/bin/
# Run container in the background
salt myminion docker.run_container myuser/myimage command=/usr/local/bin/ bg=True
# Connecting to two networks using automatic IP configuration
salt myminion docker.run_container myuser/myimage command='perl /scripts/' networks=net1,net2
# net1 using automatic IP, net2 using static IPv4 address
salt myminion docker.run_container myuser/myimage command='perl /scripts/' networks='{"net1": {}, "net2": {"ipv4_address": ""}}'
salt.modules.dockermod.run_stderr(name, cmd, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.run_stderr within a container


Container name or ID in which to run the command


Command to run


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the command


Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.run_stderr mycontainer 'ls -l /etc'
salt.modules.dockermod.run_stdout(name, cmd, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.run_stdout within a container


Container name or ID in which to run the command


Command to run


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the command


Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.run_stdout mycontainer 'ls -l /etc', path, overwrite=False, makedirs=False, compression=None, **kwargs)

Saves an image and to a file on the minion. Equivalent to running the docker save Docker CLI command, but unlike docker save this will also work on named images instead of just images IDs.


Name or ID of image. Specify a specific tag by using the repo:tag notation.


Absolute path on the Minion where the image will be exported


Unless this option is set to True, then if the destination file exists an error will be raised.


If True, then if the parent directory of the file specified by the path argument does not exist, Salt will attempt to create it.


Can be set to any of the following:

  • gzip or gz for gzip compression

  • bzip2 or bz2 for bzip2 compression

  • xz or lzma for XZ compression (requires xz-utils, as well as the lzma module from Python 3.3, available in Python 2 and Python 3.0-3.2 as backports.lzma)

This parameter can be omitted and Salt will attempt to determine the compression type by examining the filename passed in the path parameter.


Since the Docker API does not support docker save, compression will be a bit slower with this function than with docker.export since the image(s) will first be saved and then the compression done afterwards.


If True, the container will be pushed to the master using cp.push.


This requires file_recv to be set to True on the Master.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • Path - Path of the file that was saved

  • Push - Reports whether or not the file was successfully pushed to the Master

    (Only present if push=True)

  • Size - Size of the file, in bytes

  • Size_Human - Size of the file, in human-readable units

  • Time_Elapsed - Time in seconds taken to perform the save

CLI Examples:

salt myminion centos:7 /tmp/cent7.tar
salt myminion 0123456789ab cdef01234567 /tmp/saved.tar
salt.modules.dockermod.script(name, source, saltenv='base', args=None, template=None, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', ignore_retcode=False, use_vt=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.script within a container


While the command is run within the container, it is initiated from the host. Therefore, the PID in the return dict is from the host, not from the container.


Container name or ID


Path to the script. Can be a local path on the Minion or a remote file from the Salt fileserver.


A string containing additional command-line options to pass to the script.


Templating engine to use on the script before running.


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the script


Level at which to log the output from the script. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.script mycontainer salt://
salt myminion docker.script mycontainer salt://scripts/ 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"'
salt myminion docker.script mycontainer salt://scripts/ stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' output_loglevel=quiet
salt.modules.dockermod.script_retcode(name, source, saltenv='base', args=None, template=None, exec_driver=None, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', ignore_retcode=False, use_vt=False, keep_env=None)

Run cmd.script_retcode within a container


Container name or ID


Path to the script. Can be a local path on the Minion or a remote file from the Salt fileserver.


A string containing additional command-line options to pass to the script.


Templating engine to use on the script before running.


If not passed, the execution driver will be detected as described above.


Standard input to be used for the script


Level at which to log the output from the script. Set to quiet to suppress logging.


Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console.


If not passed, only a sane default PATH environment variable will be set. If True, all environment variables from the container's host will be kept. Otherwise, a comma-separated list (or Python list) of environment variable names can be passed, and those environment variables will be kept.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.script_retcode mycontainer salt://
salt myminion docker.script_retcode mycontainer salt://scripts/ 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"'
salt myminion docker.script_retcode mycontainer salt://scripts/ stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n' output_loglevel=quiet, official=False, trusted=False)

Searches the registry for an image


Search keyword


Limit results to official builds


Limit results to trusted builds


A dictionary with each key being the name of an image, and the following information for each image:

  • Description - Image description

  • Official - A boolean (True if an official build, False if not)

  • Stars - Number of stars the image has on the registry

  • Trusted - A boolean (True if a trusted build, False if not)

CLI Example:

salt myminion centos
salt myminion centos official=True
salt.modules.dockermod.signal_(name, signal)

Send a signal to a container. Signals can be either strings or numbers, and are defined in the Standard Signals section of the signal(7) manpage. Run man 7 signal on a Linux host to browse this manpage.


Container name or ID


Signal to send to container


If the signal was successfully sent, True will be returned. Otherwise, an error will be raised.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.signal mycontainer SIGHUP
salt.modules.dockermod.sls(name, mods=None, **kwargs)

Apply the states defined by the specified SLS modules to the running container

New in version 2016.11.0.

The container does not need to have Salt installed, but Python is required.


Container name or ID


A string containing comma-separated list of SLS with defined states to apply to the container.


Specify the environment from which to retrieve the SLS indicated by the mods parameter.


Specify a Pillar environment to be used when applying states. This can also be set in the minion config file using the pillarenv option. When neither the pillarenv minion config option nor this CLI argument is used, all Pillar environments will be merged together.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Custom Pillar values, passed as a dictionary of key-value pairs


Values passed this way will override Pillar values set via pillar_roots or an external Pillar source.

New in version 2018.3.0.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.sls compassionate_mirzakhani mods=rails,web
salt.modules.dockermod.sls_build(repository, tag='latest', base='opensuse/python', mods=None, dryrun=False, **kwargs)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: The repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Build a Docker image using the specified SLS modules on top of base image

New in version 2016.11.0.

The base image does not need to have Salt installed, but Python is required.


Repository name for the image to be built

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name for the image to be built

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


Name or ID of the base image


A string containing comma-separated list of SLS with defined states to apply to the base image.


Specify the environment from which to retrieve the SLS indicated by the mods parameter.


Specify a Pillar environment to be used when applying states. This can also be set in the minion config file using the pillarenv option. When neither the pillarenv minion config option nor this CLI argument is used, all Pillar environments will be merged together.

New in version 2018.3.0.


Custom Pillar values, passed as a dictionary of key-value pairs


Values passed this way will override Pillar values set via pillar_roots or an external Pillar source.

New in version 2018.3.0.

dryrun: False

when set to True the container will not be committed at the end of the build. The dryrun succeed also when the state contains errors.


A dictionary with the ID of the new container. In case of a dryrun, the state result is returned and the container gets removed.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.sls_build imgname base=mybase mods=rails,web

Start a container


Container name or ID


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • comment - Only present if the container cannot be started

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.start mycontainer

Returns the state of the container


Container name or ID


A string representing the current state of the container (either running, paused, or stopped)

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.state mycontainer
salt.modules.dockermod.stop(name, timeout=None, **kwargs)

Stops a running container


Container name or ID


If True and the container is paused, it will be unpaused before attempting to stop the container.


Timeout in seconds after which the container will be killed (if it has not yet gracefully shut down)

Changed in version 2017.7.0: If this argument is not passed, then the container's configuration will be checked. If the container was created using the stop_timeout argument, then the configured timeout will be used, otherwise the timeout will be 10 seconds.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • comment - Only present if the container can not be stopped

CLI Examples:

salt myminion docker.stop mycontainer
salt myminion docker.stop mycontainer unpause=True
salt myminion docker.stop mycontainer timeout=20
salt.modules.dockermod.tag_(name, repository, tag='latest', force=False)

Changed in version 2018.3.0: The repository and tag must now be passed separately using the repository and tag arguments, rather than together in the (now deprecated) image argument.

Tag an image into a repository and return True. If the tag was unsuccessful, an error will be raised.


ID of image


Repository name for the image to be built

New in version 2018.3.0.


Tag name for the image to be built

New in version 2018.3.0.


Deprecated since version 2018.3.0: Use both repository and tag instead


Force apply tag

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.tag 0123456789ab myrepo/mycontainer mytag

Runs the docker top command on a specific container


Container name or ID

CLI Example:


A list of dictionaries containing information about each process

salt myminion mycontainer
salt myminion 0123456789ab

Unpauses a container


Container name or ID


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • comment - Only present if the container can not be unpaused

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.pause mycontainer

Returns a dictionary of Docker version information. Equivalent to running the docker version Docker CLI command.

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.version

List existing volumes

New in version 2015.8.4.


There is one available filter: dangling=true

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.volumes filters="{'dangling': True}"
salt.modules.dockermod.wait(name, ignore_already_stopped=False, fail_on_exit_status=False)

Wait for the container to exit gracefully, and return its exit code


This function will block until the container is stopped.


Container name or ID


Boolean flag that prevents execution to fail, if a container is already stopped.


Boolean flag to report execution as failure if exit_status is different than 0.


A dictionary will be returned, containing the following keys:

  • status - A dictionary showing the prior state of the container as well as the new state

  • result - A boolean noting whether or not the action was successful

  • exit_status - Exit status for the container

  • comment - Only present if the container is already stopped

CLI Example:

salt myminion docker.wait mycontainer