salt.states.junos module

State modules to interact with Junos devices.




junos-eznc, jxmlease


Those who wish to use junos-eznc (PyEZ) version >= 2.1.0, must use the latest salt code from github until the next release.

Refer to junos for information on connecting to junos proxy.

salt.states.junos.cli(name, **kwargs)

Executes the CLI commands and reuturns the text output.

show version:
    - cli
    - format: xml
  • Required --

    • command: The command that need to be executed on Junos CLI. (default = None)

  • Optional --

    • kwargs: Keyworded arguments which can be provided like-
      • format: Format in which to get the CLI output. (text or xml, default = 'text')

      • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute. (default = 30 seconds)

      • dest: The destination file where the CLI output can be stored. (default = None)

salt.states.junos.commit(name, **kwargs)

Commits the changes loaded into the candidate configuration.

commit the changes:
    - commit
    - confirm: 10

Optional --

  • kwargs: Keyworded arguments which can be provided like-
    • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute. (default = 30 seconds)

    • comment: Provide a comment to the commit. (default = None)

    • confirm: Provide time in minutes for commit confirmation. If this option is specified, the commit will be rollbacked in the given time unless the commit is confirmed.

    • sync: On dual control plane systems, requests that the candidate configuration on one control plane be copied to the other control plane,checked for correct syntax, and committed on both Routing Engines. (default = False)

    • force_sync: On dual control plane systems, force the candidate configuration on one control plane to be copied to the other control plane.

    • full: When set to True requires all the daemons to check and evaluate the new configuration.

    • detail: When true return commit detail.


Perform a commit check on the configuration.

perform commit check:
salt.states.junos.diff(name, d_id)

Gets the difference between the candidate and the current configuration.

get the diff:
    - diff
    - id: 10

Optional --

  • id: The rollback id value [0-49]. (default = 0)

salt.states.junos.file_copy(name, dest=None, **kwargs)

Copies the file from the local device to the junos device.

    - file_copy
    - dest: info_copy.txt

Required --

  • src: The sorce path where the file is kept.

  • dest: The destination path where the file will be copied.

salt.states.junos.install_config(name, **kwargs)

Loads and commits the configuration provided.

Install the mentioned config:
    - install_config
    - path: salt//configs/interface.set
    - timeout: 100
    - diffs_file: 'var/log/diff'
Install the mentioned config:
    - install_config
    - template_path: salt//configs/interface.set
    - timeout: 100
    - template_vars:
        interface_name: lo0
        description: Creating interface via SaltStack.

Path where the configuration/template file is present. If the file has a *.conf extension, the content is treated as text format. If the file has a *.xml extension, the content is treated as XML format. If the file has a *.set extension, the content is treated as Junos OS set commands


The dictionary of data for the jinja variables present in the jinja template


Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute.

Set to True if you want this file is to completely replace the

configuration file.


Specify whether the configuration file uses "replace:" statements. Only those statements under the 'replace' tag will be changed.


Provide a comment to the commit. (default = None)


Provide time in minutes for commit confirmation. If this option is specified, the commit will be rolled back in the given time unless the commit is confirmed.


Path to the file where the diff (difference in old configuration and the committed configuration) will be stored.


The file will be stored on the proxy minion. To push the files to the master use cp.push.

salt.states.junos.install_os(name, **kwargs)

Installs the given image on the device. After the installation is complete the device is rebooted, if reboot=True is given as a keyworded argument.

    - install_os
    - timeout: 100
    - reboot: True
  • Required --

    • path: Path where the image file is present on the pro xy minion.

  • Optional --

    • kwargs: keyworded arguments to be given such as timeout, reboot etc
      • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used to RPCs which take a while to execute. (default = 30 seconds)

      • reboot: Whether to reboot after installation (default = False)

      • no_copy: When True the software package will not be SCP’d to the device. (default = False)

salt.states.junos.load(name, **kwargs)

Loads the configuration provided onto the junos device.

Install the mentioned config:
    - load
    - path: salt//configs/interface.set
Install the mentioned config:
    - load
    - template_path: salt//configs/interface.set
    - template_vars:
        interface_name: lo0
        description: Creating interface via SaltStack.

Path where the configuration/template file is present. If the file has a *.conf extension, the content is treated as text format. If the file has a *.xml extension, the content is treated as XML format. If the file has a *.set extension, the content is treated as Junos OS set commands.


Set to True if you want this file is to completely replace the configuration file.


Specify whether the configuration file uses "replace:" statements. Only those statements under the 'replace' tag will be changed.


Determines the format of the contents.


Compare a complete loaded configuration against the candidate configuration. For each hierarchy level or configuration object that is different in the two configurations, the version in the loaded configuration replaces the version in the candidate configuration. When the configuration is later committed, only system processes that are affected by the changed configuration elements parse the new configuration. This action is supported from PyEZ 2.1 (default = False)


Variables to be passed into the template processing engine in addition to those present in __pillar__, __opts__, __grains__, etc. You may reference these variables in your template like so: {{ template_vars["var_name"] }}


Attempts an exclusive lock on the candidate configuration. This is a non-blocking call.


Any user who wishes to use lock, must necessarily unlock the configuration too. Ensure unlock is called in the same orchestration run in which the lock is called.

lock the config:
salt.states.junos.rollback(name, id, **kwargs)

Rollbacks the committed changes.

rollback the changes:
    - rollback
    - id: 5

Optional --

  • id: The rollback id value [0-49]. (default = 0)

  • kwargs: Keyworded arguments which can be provided like-
    • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute. (default = 30 seconds)

    • comment: Provide a comment to the commit. (default = None)

    • confirm: Provide time in minutes for commit confirmation. If this option is specified, the commit will be rollbacked in the given time unless the commit is confirmed.

    • diffs_file: Path to the file where any diffs will be written. (default = None)

salt.states.junos.rpc(name, dest=None, format='xml', args=None, **kwargs)

Executes the given rpc. The returned data can be stored in a file by specifying the destination path with dest as an argument

      - rpc
      - dest: /home/user/rpc.log
      - interface_name: lo0
  • Required --

    • cmd: The rpc to be executed. (default = None)

  • Optional --

    • dest: Destination file where the rpc output is stored. (default = None) Note that the file will be stored on the proxy minion. To push the files to the master use the salt's following execution module: cp.push

    • format: The format in which the rpc reply must be stored in file specified in the dest (used only when dest is specified) (default = xml)

    • kwargs: keyworded arguments taken by rpc call like-
      • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute. (default= 30 seconds)

      • filter: Only to be used with 'get-config' rpc to get specific configuration.

      • terse: Amount of information you want.

      • interface_name: Name of the interface whose information you want.

salt.states.junos.set_hostname(name, **kwargs)

Changes the hostname of the device.

    - set_hostname
    - comment: "Host-name set via saltstack."
  • Required --

    • hostname: The name to be set. (default = None)

  • Optional --

    • kwargs: Keyworded arguments which can be provided like-
      • timeout: Set NETCONF RPC timeout. Can be used for commands which take a while to execute. (default = 30 seconds)

      • comment: Provide a comment to the commit. (default = None)

      • confirm: Provide time in minutes for commit confirmation. If this option is specified, the commit will be rollbacked in the given time unless the commit is confirmed.

salt.states.junos.shutdown(name, **kwargs)

Shuts down the device.

shut the device:
    - shutdown
    - in_min: 10

Optional --

  • kwargs:
    • reboot: Whether to reboot instead of shutdown. (default=False)

    • at: Specify time for reboot. (To be used only if reboot=yes)

    • in_min: Specify delay in minutes for shutdown


Unlocks the candidate configuration.

unlock the config:

Resets the device to default factory settings.

reset my device:

name: can be anything